Sunday 19 May 2013

Day 9...

G'day... today has been a run around day...   7am I got an update from the boys... more silverbeet had come up, more peas and there was a strawberry nearly ready (no really?)... I am so glad the boys are catching the gardening bug... then it was "Can we go get the worm farm yet?"  errr not at 7am on Sunday ;-)

Still no curry leaf tree seeds germinated.... *waiting*

 This morning we headed up the hill to meet a lovely lady named Sarah who had an old worm farm that she didn't use anymore.  The boys met two chooks and then had to figure out how to fit the worm farm in the back of the car.  They did an awesome job!

We got down the hill and we had a go at putting the worm farm together and then called in the reinforcements... Thank you Christopher for screwing the legs on the worm farm!

Thomas supervised!

Next was a quick clean up of the garage so that I could take a shelf unit out the back to make a greenhouse... then a quick trip to bunnings as we wanted a tap on the worm farm to keep the mozzies away and some coir to use as worm bedding.  We had a quick drive by the weigh bridge but it was closed so no worms today... hopefully tomorrow!

The new tap fitted on the worm farm...

 Not exactly what I was trying to photograph!  

The coir block swelling in the dogs water bowl... since it needed a clean out their "little" bowl was the perfect place ;-)

 Worm bed made :-)
 Top layer on... now I just need a lid...

In between all of that I began making a greenhouse but time got the better of me today... as I know it is only going to get colder and the boys want to grow Grandpop's Tomatoes and Chilli's for Dad NOW  I figured I better give them a fighting chance.  Clear plastic bags and duct tape.... what more could I ask for ;-)

Have a good one... Sarah *hugs*

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