Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day 12...

The boys began with a dash into the cold to grab a strawberry and split it in two... thank goodness they share!  Followed by the boys standing at the patio door with yells of "I can see a bean plant from here!"

The garden was a no go area this morning due to a doozy of a migraine... late this afternoon however it had faded somewhat :-)  So to the garden I went followed by Tom who was on a "concussion" watch after a playground collision...

Firstly another big thank you to Julie... I now have a heap of Ceylon Spinach so my new plants might have a hope of growing before the boys eat all the leaves ;-)  Thank You!

 I opened the "greenhouse" today Grandpop's Tomatoes are up!  (Much to the glee of the boys when they took a peek).  So now just to nurse them all the way through winter!
Also in the greenhouse are some rainbow chard that popped up overnight.  We may have casualties though.  I bought some fertiliser the other day and someone helped by sprinkling all over everything... sadly by the time I turned around it was all over the strawberry leaves and as you can see they did NOT appreciate it... but hopefully lesson learned ;-)
There were whoops of jubilation when the boys checked out the radish bed this afternoon... the rainbow carrots have started to poke out their first grass like leaves!  Boys motivation level back up! Wooo Hooo.  I wonder if this time we get any going to adult carrots... the last time we planted them in Hedland lots of "baby carrots" got pulled and eaten lol.

The beans which I heard about loudly this morning are progressing as you can see!  Next to the stake in the middle photo you will see the first signs of the beans that will forever make me giggle poking out.  The reason for my giggles?  I handed Mr Brandon the "3 colour beans" and 5 minutes later as he plants the third one (can't rush these things) he exclaims... "They are different colours!" 

The rainbow chard is pushing up and I can spy both red and yellow... I really hope we get some pink and orange showing through... we do love our colours!

 Our wormies are still wriggling much to Brandon's delight... I poured a bucket of water through today since both the boys have been looking for the worm liquid like Granddad has... so some of that got used for watering today... so glad I filled the bedding layer with coir... it makes a convincing tea ;-)

 Now Mr Tom got sent home from school after a playground collision with a bump on the head.  Since he was all well and good... without even an egg to show for it... he came out and after seeing the carrots germinated he decided to dig and seed the next garden bed... He was closely supervised by Mr Rex who wanted to quality control the organic fertiliser!

 As you can see the seeds he is planting are years out of date so we are planting them way closer than they should be and fingers crossed we get some come up.  Hollow Crown Parsnips, Heirloom Carrot Mix (rainbow), purple skinned carrots and mixed heirloom beetroots... keep your fingers crossed we get something appear out of all of these!

Tom planting and the finished garden bed
 ;-)  So glad it isn't clay... we can build up a beautiful loam here!
I lifted my strawberries down from on top of the greenhouse... Since the boys are picking them first thing in the morning I had visions of them pulling the shelf over.  So now on top of the greenhouse I have the seeds I planted today... celery, chives, spring onions and red spring onions.

Mr Brandon did his homework then joined me in the garden long enough to count and catalogue every new seedling, check growth and pick our first lime... since our lime tree is struggling after the move and the drop in temperature... any suggestions?

Thanks for reading *hugs*  Sarah

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