Wednesday 15 May 2013

Day 5...

Nothing to report today... ironing, cooking and cleaning :-p

Tom watered the Garden and I have been looking for idea's for using the wall space we have and possibly putting balcony planter's on the inside of the fence.  That however is going to cost so a long term goal as long as no one is going to steal them...

Figuring I can fit in some garlic on the front verge planting... and perhaps a few potatoes although I am considering putting them in bags or even drilling a few holes in a plastic garbage bin.  So I am going to work late tonight and get my housework as much done as possible tonight so I can get outside tomorrow!

I need to get the lettuce box completed... Tom and Brandon are too tired and distracted after dealing with NAPLAN all day to be dealing with power tools.  I also have a heap of seeds to get in.

We have been lucky... a local lady has a spare Worm Farm that she is going to let us have so Mini-Granddad's mark II and III here we come!  The boys are already talking about saving food for the worms... I suggested we wait until they are in and settled though ;-) hehe

Have a great day...


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