Saturday 25 May 2013

Day 15... and a Saturday!

Since it was Saturday and Chris was sleeping (shift work blah!) the boys and I headed to bunnings with a list!  We did well and stuck to the list almost ;-)

When we got home I employed Tom's love of digging holes (I was too slow with the phone for an action shot!)... the boys got rid of the stump of an ornamental tree that met an untimely end when the solar was installed.... and Tom planted one of our smaller curry leaf trees... I am hoping it likes its new home :-)

While at Bunnings we got some Rhubarb seedlings... Now since the plant is quite structural and long term we popped them into the front garden inbetween the ornamentals...  They were very wilted by this evening so hopefully one or two will survive.
Next Brandy and I put in the Sage we bought... again in the front with the ornamentals... apparently we need it ready for next week so I can make roast chooks!
 Then we moved onto the Delaware potatoes... Brandon started digging the trench then got called off to the tree house so digging was the order of my afternoon.

 We got some fresh coriander seeds since our seeds from the spice shelf might be a tad old... and somehow red and brown onions ended up in the trolley... who am I to argue?  Might get some of these in tomorrow :-)
Now Tom vividly remembers eating the broad beans out of the garden in Northampton with Dad so the boys had a "discussion" on which Broad Bean was best and we ended up with the one that grew taller because that makes more room for beans... pretty logical!  These went in against the fence... hopefully I will get a few to the kitchen ;-)

After I did the watering Mr Brandon arrived and announced that I needed to take photos for "EVERYONE including Granddad and Grandpop and.. and... and..." lol so I will share a few to show progress but not the near 60 photos he had me take hehe  Above is Mr Brandon showing you the Radishes... the row to the left are long red radishes the ones in the middle which are coming on with 4 leaves now are Easter Egg Radishes from Diggers... we were surprised they came up like they did being years out of date!  Brandon is showing you that one is red and one is white ;-)

 I love gardening with the boys... never know what is going to happen next!  Brandon pointed out that ... "The mint has made itself "comfortable in the pot"... "It's shooting!"  "
The first bean that came up is Brandon's favourite and now has two more leaves growing so he is really excited about that... I really hope we don't get a frost kill it! 

 Tom's new bed is not quite up yet... still very early days!  Tom is checking every morning.
Now Brandon spotted something beyond the peas... Those "3 colour beans that are different colours"... insert whooping here!  Now there were 2 just starting to poke out yesterday... and I was considering planting peas in their place as they were out of date (yes most of our seeds are lol).  Today we have... oh heck let Brandon tell you...
7 Yes.. 7...
 I might be able to get better shots of the plants tomorrow... was too busy giggling and keeping up with Mr Excited!  So great to see him so excited.  He was surprised that the leaves weren't different colours since the seeds were ;-)

There is a new leaf on the Ceylon Spinach!  Lots of baby Lettuce too which I was informed will need potting up!  Who am I to argue? hmmm
We are a little worried about the SubLime... after transplant it has gone yellow even with fertiliser... Brandon is showing you all a little finger nail sized fruit...

Oregano... "going nicely".  A peek inside the green house the few strawberry seedlings that survived the accident with the fertiliser are giving us new leaves! Woo Hoo.
And what makes things worth while?... 

Have a Great Day.. *hugs*  Sarah

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