Sunday 12 May 2013

Day 2...

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mum's out there... my Mother's Day was wonderful... it included a quick trip to Bunnings and lots of giggles.

The day started with about 7am the boys rushing outside to see if the seeds we put in yesterday had sprouted!   Then they came in with the single strawberry that was ready and gave it to me for Mother's Day!  Awwwwww.  Then Tom disappeared to dig up the two Vibernums that were in the middle of our vege bed (that will also grow huge given a chance and there really isn't room there)... Tom then announced we needed to go visit Julie again and give her the plants... not today ;-)

This morning while I was making a card for a friend the boys couldn't wait and went off into the garden.  Brandon popped in to ask about how to prepare the ground for the carrots... I told him the pine bark needed to be raked up then when I was finished we could dig in some organic fertiliser to about a foot deep.  So off he went and I peeked out the patio door to see what they were up to and was impressed to see them working together to rake the mulch away.

So while I worked away in the office the boys were *very* busy... when I got outside there was a DITCH... a TRENCH a foot deep!  So now we got to put layers of organic fertiliser into the trench in layers as we refilled it with our lovely sandy soil.

So that lovely dark strip at the front of the bed has a strip of "rainbow carrots"... Purple, orange, white and yellow.

We also popped in some Easter Egg Radish seeds - these may or may not come up as they are a little old but when we grew them last time the kids loved them especially with all the different colours.

Then we popped in a row of "carrot shaped radishes"... I figure if we pop some radishes in the boys will have something  to see sooner rather than in 21+ days (for carrots).

As you can see in the photo our mint plants are a little the worse for wear today after their move but fingers crossed...

Mr Tom posing after digging out two vibernums and digging a foot deep trench... Happy gardener!  Oh and this young man is checking *his* blog count every hour to see how many people have seen *his* garden and wants to know if Granddad and Grandpop like it...

Ok I know this looks messy but this is where we are working at the moment... the white fence is to keep the dogs out since they don't get the concept of not walking on the plants!  The green trolley was completely filled with mulch and sand just before!

Mr Tom weaving a bamboo wall after a quick trip to Bunnings.   Our bamboo wall is now triple the length.

3 Colour Beans to the right which I handed to Brandon and told him what they were... he got to the other end of the row and started planting then remarked "These beans are different colours!?!"

Then we planted Peas and more of Grandpop's Lazy Housewife Beans because "we have to use them all".

Brandon hunting and squishing spiders... My hero ;-)  He also spent time picking up the little lizards that were running through the mulch... only person I know who can pick up the skinks and they don't drop their tails!

The last of the Lazy Housewifes going in... then pack away time before the mozzies come out for tea!

Hope you had a good day *hugs* Sarah

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