Tuesday 25 June 2013

Day 46... Tuesday...

It is Tom's Birthday today... I refrained from giving him fruit trees ;-)

Happy Birthday Tom!

 Ok made an angry bird garden... oh I mean cake!

 The rain seems to be helping the curry leaf trees out the front to recover :-)  I think they need a good dose of an organic fertiliser... might try some seasol as I do not want to encourage digging from the dogs that come walking without leads!
 Some of the Rhubarb is looking good... (left) but the one on the right something has almost completely eaten it!  Had a look around, the only critter around there was a Portugese Millipede... or the other culprits are the crickets!
The Delaware potatoes have showed they are happy with the potting mix mulch and rain.... They have grown since Saturday.  The garlic (middle) doesn't look great but early days :-) .

 The hydroponic box is picking up... the mizuna looks good as do the  lettuces.
 A second Nasturtium popped its little leaves up this morning so that is progress too :-)
 The Royal Blue potatoes are pushing up slowly and steadily :-)  I might give it a side dressing of Potato E.
STRAWBERRIES!  I hope I get one this time hehe... there are actually several and Mr Brandon has stated the big one on the left is his... I think it might be for sharing ;-)
Radishes, radishes, radishes... lots of radishes and the boys are trying very hard to leave the easter egg ones for seed saving... especially now we will have to pay $56 quarantine fee on the seeds! :-o

 Brandon's "Grandpop's Lazy Housewife Bean" is climbing well but few leaves so I think I need to get some manure/compost/fertiliser...

 Brandon's hanging gardens (yes I said Brandon's - he owns them all apparently lol) are suddenly green and growing with the rain!  Mint's are all coming back!

Oregano, Thyme and coriander are all up now!
On the left is possibly a curry leaf tree germinating.... I hope!

 Peas!  They are growing slowly but steadily... I think they could do with some fertiliser to get them growing too :-)
  In front of the verburnum is lemongrass we transplanted... and wooo hooo we have new leaves!  I have no idea when they popped out... so happy as I thought we had killed it. :-p
 The aloe and violets from Henriette are still green and didn't die yet either so happy on this front too :-)
*hugs* that is it from me but I will leave you with this image... bought the boys Lego Minifigures... apparently Spinny was NOT amused *chuckle*

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