Saturday 8 June 2013

Day 29

29?  Really?  Wow nearly a month of vege gardening!

Our morning began with Tom disappearing out the back door about 7am for strawberries and he managed to find the first radish!  Interesting breakfast... I was offered but passed.  I need my coffee first hehe.  The Strawberry was sour and the radish was peppery but nice.

 The Brown Onions are up well three of them are... Brandon got all excited as they had seeds already... I had to explain it was the seed casing that they grew from ;-)

  Strawberries are still going strong even if they are being taxed every morning hehe.  I was going to grab this one but decided to leave it for the boys in the morning to save my radishes (hopefully!).

We had a trip to Bun-bings (bunnings to everyone else) since we got a phone call to tell us that Brandon's (Yes Brandon's) Chocolate Mint was in!  He has waited for two weeks.  So of course we got the Chocolate Mint and a few other things... we got a punnet of Rhubarb to replace the ones that have not done so well out the front, some parsley since we can never have enough parsley and some coriander since we always need coriander!

Oh and Brandon required us to stop at the seed department for oregano, thyme and strawberry seeds.  We also got some hanging baskets to start maximising our space!
 I must say some days I think I have brought my boys up to be too independent lol  Brandon potted up the chocolate mint into a hanging basket all by himself. *sniff* *sniff*  He did a great job!

We then moved onto the other hanging baskets. We popped in the three surviving strawberry plants from Julie, put in a parsley at the back of one of the baskets.  Then started potting up the mint... and Brandon sure was right when he said the mint had made itself comfortable!

 Being an ADHD household things tend to spiral soo... we started by wanting to plant the rainbow chard in the garden so here are the rainbow chard...
 Which led to the recognition that the irises are in the way... so the irises got dug up which lead to the Ornamental Grasses being dug up and put in pots so we could put the irises in their place.  So now we are giving the ornamental grass away since they don't look pretty or can be eaten lol.
Oh then we planted the rainbow chard and moved the stepping stones.

 This is how the garden is looking at the moment...  still very early days.  I wish we could put planter boxes up on that wall and we are still looking at ways of putting planters along the top of the fence.

Brandon's new seeds.  Oregano, Thyme and White and Red Strawberry mix.  I planted the strawberry seeds in the "milk bottle planter" and put them in the green house with Grandpop's Tomatoes.  In the meantime Brandon put oregano seeds in the white pots.

That's it for tonight *hugs* Sarah

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