Saturday 1 June 2013

Day 22

Well again very little time in the actual garden... hopefully tomorrow!  We did however end up in K-mart and bunnings... my little garden bug decided we had to goto the garden section of K-Mart... who am I to argue?
We got another stevia seed pot so we will retry that and Brandon had to have some MORE seeds lol... Nasturtiums, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage... I have no idea what to do with all these seeds germinate!  We also got a balcony hanger and planter.  Then we went in search of Brandon's Chocolate Mint in Bunnings... they still didn't have it but are going to call us when they do (which made Brandon very happy)... I found some more pink flowering strawberries in the advanced seedlings so we bought a punnet since I don't think we can produce enough strawberries to supply the boys no matter how many we have lol...

Ok photos from yesterday:

Brandon found several baby crickets on the yellow sticky trap so was quite chuffed!

Speaking of Chuffed... our strawberry pot we had started to think was a no show had a tiny sign of life yesterday... so a very happy Brandon (and Tom grinned like a cheshire cat when I told him - he was too busy at the time).

We have chives... still teeny tiny but all signs of life appreciated!

Brandon planted *more* seeds.... lettuces, tatsoi and rocket... there are also two mystery pots with no labels hmmmm... 


Mr Tom working on drilling plastic cups to make more seedling/hydroponics pots... 

That's it from me today *hugs*  Sarah

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