Wednesday 5 June 2013

Day 25

The Strawberries still growing well.  The chives are slowly growing bigger.
Brandon did a check on all of his plants :-)

Grandpop's Tomatoes are growing nicely in the greenhouse and Brandon believes he spies the first onions in the tray he planted... along with a few more leaves on the Rainbow Chard!

 Some red and some yellow Chard :-)  and the three colour beans are looking well despite the cooler weather.

In Tom's bed his Beetroot is going well and two rows of carrots have just popped up!  I have a feeling will have a good deal of baby carrots to thin the bed.

On watering he front garden we discovered some of the Rhubarb doing well (Left) and some has been eaten away (right)... here was I thinking nothing would eat it!
Tom did a front garden check... Sage (centre) and we spied a few broad beans too.. not potatoes yes though!
  *hugs* Sarah

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