Sunday 30 June 2013

Day 51! It's Sunday!

Well first of all I would like to say Gardening and Facebook have combined into one heck of a wonderful thing.  I have met some wonderful people, made some awesome friends and my boys have been learning a skill that is important for life.

Today began with a trip to Bunnings... Chris actually needed something for fixing the render on the outside of the house (don't ask!)... So Chris and Thomas headed inside and I tagged along with Mr Greenfingers, Brandon.  We headed to pest control since we are having terrible trouble with CRICKETS... they are eating our rhubarb, they are eating our sage, they are eating our Strawberries!  The staff there are VERY helpful however the gentleman that tried to advise us tried to give us something that was called "Residual Insecticide" even though I said it was for vegetables... Brandon and I did some reading of containers and decided to go with Plan B... Spray Bottle... filled with nothing ;-)  Then we headed back out to the plants to make plans!
Well we went through the Fruit Tree's still not in our budget, the dwarfs are a tad expensive and the others grow too big.  Brandy then got serious (as you can see) we checked all the veges and herbs and HE made plans of what we will need soon!  He found the mint section and apparently next fortnight we need "Variegated Apple Mint" and "Pineapple Mint".  Then we headed to the seed section since we weren't taking live plants today... While Brandon was choosing Tom and Chris reappeared... Someone chose Sugar Snap Peas and Someone chose Tiny Tom Tomatoes.  Also somehow we ended up with a few seed trays... not sure how that happened *whistles innocently*.

Then we headed home and headed back out after lunch to meet David Best and get two Raspberries and two Blackberries.  Heading out into David's garden was inspirational!  The boys summed it up with one word... "WOW!"  Our Brandon told me he wanted to stay... Fruit, veges and herbs in all directions were absolute heaven for him.  David I must say THANK YOU for taking the time to share your garden and your knowledge with us.  You have given us lots of food for thought and given Brandon the ideas of where "HIS" (our) garden can go. 

We came home not only with our Berries but Grape cuttings, Pineapple top, Strawberry plant, lettuces, "Borage-sounds-like-porridge", an asian green that I cannot remember the name of and another herb!

I had to work in my order to get things moving while the boys moved on bikes, scooters and skates.

While I mixed chilli, soap and water in the spray bottle we bought the boys demolished two passionfruit that came home with us from Davids...  Brandon managed to save a few seeds to plant, I have a feeling Tom wasn't quite so restrained ;-)  They must have been good!

I sprayed the Rhubarb, Sage and Cape Gooseberry with the "Red Spray" then moved onto planting the rest of my onions because after 2 days of planting I HAD to finish!  Certainly thinking we must have near to 100!  Brandon hopped off the scooter and right into the garden... hence the stack hat!


So an entire garden bed at the front has a row of onions allllll the way along!  Let us keep our fingers crossed for onions after 3 days sitting on the floor I am hurting to say the least :-p

 We also came home from David's with Jerusalem Artichokes! I found some room behind the baby Curry Leaf Tree between some ornamentals for them... It will be wonderful to get so much from our little block!

 This is the box we came home with (after taking out the Artichokes!)... A cornucopia of potential!

I grabbed the Grape cuttings and in Brandon's words "tucked them into bed".  Keeping fingers and toes crossed that they make themselves "comfortable"!  I had thought we did not have room however I have now seen the possibilities of growing it up the fences and possibly up a structure at the back or side.

 Shortly after watering (first time in days oops) out the back Mr Brandon gave me a "tour"... The "Great White" Radish is looking great and no one ate it... ;-) and ohh the carrots are good too.
 The Rosemary is doing well (Thanks Aleisha!) and we had to plant "Brandon's Pineapple". (Thanks David).
Grandpop I have been told (ordered) to tell you... Brandon's Grandpop bean is taller then the bamboo (5ft) AND has a flower bud that will turn into a bean!

  The lemongrass, peas and other beans are coming along... Brandon officially wants peas about now!

 Brandon spied the Cabbages and Onions I put in out the back and was amazed to find purple on the cabbages.  He also wondered if I knew there were onions in there.... "Yes, I planted them!" hehe :-p

The herbs aren't growing fast enough.
 Oh but there are lots of things popping up ... Brandon wanted to know if he planted too much... definitely not! ;-)
 Our BIG news... we planted 4 peas in the Horseradish pot since we were almost certain it wouldn't work since we just bought Horseradish vacuum packed for the from the shop... and just after they popped up.... the Horseradish decided to resurrect itself!  We now have a Horseradish plant :-)

Brandon's Choc Mint is going well "but it will look better with the other mints too".  It is growing at a rapid pace!  Mr Greenfingers strikes again ;-) (Not going to mention the seasol, chook poop or worm liquid lol) .
The Basil Mint is fairing equally as well!

 The Nasturtium has popped out in the Parsley hanging basket.  Once it begins to cascade it will be quite pretty!

The Strawberries have recovered well and is sending out new leaves!

 The lettuces are just as happy however one of the common mint's from Julie is looking a little the worse for wear.  Some of the  leaves seem to have orange spots on so I will keep an eye on that.

 Brandon's eagle eyes spotted new leaves on the main stem of the birds eye chilli bush.

  The coriander is looking well!  Look three leaves ;-)

 "Baby Strawberries" looking promising in the greenhouse.

 "This is mine" said Brandon.  Hey my kids eat well! :-p

David gave us a Strawberry plant... so I potted that into our last spare hanging basket and Brandon found room on HIS fence! LoL

 After I potted up the Borage, lettuces and other little bits from David Brandon quickly watered them in... and me!  (Shame I don't grow upward!)

Tomorrow I get to plant the Raspberries and Blackberries... I wish there was more daylight!  They are going to be able to go into the shaded bed behind the fence that was my "I don't know what to plant area".  Problem solved... Thanks again David.

That is it from me tonight... *hugs* Sarah

Thursday 27 June 2013

Day 48.. Thursday!

Well I finally got in our garden this afternoon :-)

Now somehow I didn't get photo's today as I planted out the Sugarloaf Cabbage and some of the Hunter Valley Brown Onions... I will hopefully get out and get photos tomorrow :-)  Yesterday I seasolled and fertilised everything... The soil here is just sand so the more I can put in at the moment the better... the fertiliser is the pelletised organic... e.g chook poop more than likely lol.

 Well I must have blinked!  Look at the Delaware Potatoes!  Just poured two bags of potting mix around them... I think they will need  another bag or two to get up to those top leaves!  Fingers crossed we get potatoes as well as leaves :-)
You remember those Rosemary Cuttings from Aleisha?  Well WOW they hit their straps... more roots on the forked cuttings... so popped them all out of water and into potting mix... they will make a lovely hedge :-) One day!

Mr Green Fingers - err Brandon came out for inspection... yes still two Nasturtiums! and "Ohhh! Look at Grandpop's beans!"  "Don't pull out the white radish Mum that is for seed!" hehe  Who's garden is this? Hmmmm.

  The oregano, thyme and coriander were up.  Check the great hanging garden... "Oh Wow check out MY Choc mint Mum... oh and can you smell it?"

 Don't blink!  There goes Tom on his new roller blades... Hi... bye!
"Hey Mum!  Looooook!"  Royal blue potatoes are starting to show :-) still no Kipflers though :-(

  "Look there are more coming up!"

 I wish I could catch whatever is eating my strawberries!  No, not Brandon!

  The baby strawberries are coming along :-)  Maybe by next winter we will have fruit! lol.

Grandpop's tomatoes are surviving considering they are in winter.  

 Oh Ohh where am I going to put all these onions?

 Today's FIRST major HARVEST Radishes and Store-berries (that's strawberries to everyone else).

Well there goes that harvest!  So worth it!  As you can see by Tom's face... the radishes are Peppery! In his words "Hot! Hot! Hot!" then he had another one lol
Thats it from me *hugs* Sarah!