Monday 28 July 2014

The story so far...

So we began our "vege patch" on the 11th of May 2013 so we have been vege gardening at this house for a little over a year so I thought it was time to take stock and see how far we have come.

Sub Lime - in ground.
Dwarf Lemon - in ground.
Dwarf Imperial Mandarin - in ground.
Mulberry - Guessing English Black.  In Pot.  Back in leaf and berry!
Bay Leaf Tree - well established in pot.
Curry leaf tree - needs a bigger pot!  Little one in ground out the front.  4 seedlings in pots.
Pepino / Cameron Apple "Gold" - In Pot in flower.
Dragon Fruits - two in pots - types as yet unknown!
Fig Cutting in pot - unknown.
Blackberries - 4 pots.
Loganberry - in pot.
Raspberry - 2 pots.
Strawberries - various.
BlueBerries - 3 in ground but I think I will need to dig them up and put them into pots of Azalea potting mix.
Passionfruit - Gold and Red (either Nelly Kelly or Panama - need to check!)
Rhubarb two in ground have survived.
Cape Gooseberry.
Dwarf Pomegranate.
Potatoes - In various spots: Delaware, Ruby Lou and possibly Royal Blue and Nadine.
Mints: Common, Chocolate and Basil.
Rosemary - Common (upright) and Prostrate.  In ground.
Lemon Balm.
Native Violets.
Rainbow Chard & Silverbeet.
Kang Kong.
Purple and Green globe artichokes.
Purple and Green Asparagus.
Sugar Cane - only just gone in so fingers crossed.
Kale - Black Tuscan.  Seedlings just gone in.
Sweet Potatoes - Japanese.  Pink skin, white flesh.
Self seeded lettuces - everywhere!
Radishes - easter egg and Long Scarlet.  Now self seeded and crossed.
Peas - Greenfeast and Snow Peas.
Broad beans.
Beans - Lazy Housewife, Purple King, Rattlesnake and Blue Lake - self seeded and growing right through winter!
Celery from bases of shop brought - growing well!
Jerusalem Artichoke - 1 but not looking well!

Rainbow Chard - star performer.
Spring Onions.
Basil - Common and Purple.
English Spinach.
Watercress - filled entire grow bed.
Grandpop's Super Tomatoes. - in flower in grow bed.

Sown the last two days - many seeds being out of date (due to move) and not expecting much of a turn out:
Amaranth Red Calaloo.
Kale, Black Tuscan.
Lettuce, Yellow Leaf.
Celery Stringless.
Mustard, Giant Red.
Mustard, Mizuna.
Silver Beet Bright Lights.
Silverbeet Five Colour Mix.
Silverbeet Fordhook.
Mesclun, French Salad Mixed.
Broccoli, Italian Sprouting.
Leek, Lyon Prizetaker.
Spring Onion Red.
Pak Choy.
Cauliflower, All Year.
Cabbage, Sugarloaf.
Turnip, Early Purple.

Over the next few weeks the sow list:
Broad Beans - I know its late but I can try!
Snow Peas.
Garlic Chives.
1 starfruit seed (I hope it takes!).
Black Sapotes (Chocolate Pudding Fruit!)
Spring Onions.
Beetroot, Heirloom Mix. Red, Gold and White.
Beetroot, Baby Beets.
Beetroot, Chioggia. (Target)
Beetroot Crimson Globe.
Carrot, Harlequin. Yellow, Orange, White, Purple Nantes.
Carrot, All Seasons.
Carrot, Baby Pak.
Carrot, 3 Colour Purple.
Carrot Heirloom Mix.
Parsnip, Hollow Crown.
Radish, Easter Egg. Purple, Pink and White Egg Shaped.
Radish, Long Scarlet.
Radish, cross bred - see what happens!
Cucumber - Lebanese Mini Muncher.
Cucumber - Sweet and Striped.
Spinach Climbing Malabar Red.
Sunflower Yellow Pollenless.
Dwarf Beans.
Pop's Super-Toms.
Paprika Capsicums.
Squash Mix.

Now that is one awfully big list to plant *but* as I said, a lot of my seeds went out of date due to us knowing we were moving and being unable to plant.  I doubt many are going to germinate but there is no harm in trying!  If they do... well we will eat well! hehe.
To expand our growing space I am hoping to get Aquaponics with NFT going along the whole of the back fence.  That should give us another 200 cup holes (4 levels of about 10 meters.)  Fish in an IBC clad with either wood and painted or colour bond like the fences.  The Lettuces, Silverbeets, Basil (in summer), Pak choy, tatsoi, mizuna and other greens will grow brilliantly here, freeing up garden beds for other edibles.  I would say we would be just about self sufficient for greens down there with staggered plantings.  The IBC would still need some media beds on top of it (prettied up of course) to help filter out solids... this will be great for tomatoes!
Looking at how far we have come in a year I am pretty proud of everything our family has done!  I hope that we can continue to expand our edible garden and sculpt it into something that is aesthetically pleasing for the neighbours too!

*hugs* Thanks for visiting,

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