Thursday 10 July 2014

So much to do!

Well I got out in the garden this afternoon... Yay!  Thank you Pop for the Super Toms!  They have gone in the new grow bed in the hydroponics still in their pots so as not to disturb them too much.  The Bell siphon is working beautifully but I did push the pipe down so that there is a lot of air around the roots.

No one tell my Rhubarb it is winter... it seems happy as larry at the top of the NFT pipes.

Where did this lettuce come from?  LoL I did not plant it but oh well... into the salads :-D  Thymes still doing well as is the Oregano... all have been harvested from several times.

More shots of production central... English Spinach is now starting to hit its straps.. The Basil is still struggling but that isn't surprising with the cold weather we have been having.  Rocket... Egads spicy, piquant abundance... or is that glut?  Eating plenty but its growing faster than we can eat lol

 The original spring onions that were the roots from supermarket bought ones are still going strong!  Brandon gives them a hair cut for salads regularly and they just keep growing!  My garden helpers... and the reason for the red board in front of the reservoir...  I thought we had a huge leak... turned out Rex was drinking my hydroponics water instead of his drinking water! lol  I figured it wasn't so good for him so blocked it off and "leak" fixed! *chuckle*
 The whole set up... not huge but more greens than our family can eat!  Top level Strawberries and Rhubarb; Second level Oregano and Thyme; Level 3 Basil and Spinach; Level 4 Rainbow Chard (a great performer) and Rocket; Level 5 Chives and Rocket; Level 6 Kale, Spring Onions and lettuces.  I am eating Watercress daily but you could never tell!  What a wonderful crop.

I am thinking I should have washed the expanded clay today... my clean water now looks like a mud pit!  Oops!

My star performers... rainbow chard!  It ends up in so many salads, soups and side dishes... and still grows brilliantly and is beautiful too!

Ok so its not very pretty at the moment with my dog guard board but it is worth it for so much food!

Onto other garden news... I bandicooted around Brandon's random Potato patch... there are new potatoes right at the surface all through the leggy plants to tomorrow I will start hoofing mulch and bury them all nice and deep and use some more David Greys Potato E.  The Cameron Apple is flowering... there are radishes everywhere and the Ruby Loo's we planted are sprouting... No Delawares yet though.  The Lemongrass stems are huge so I need to divide them and give some to my lovely neighbour and make some lemon tea for us.
I am going to make some more hydroponics positions using foam boxes... I am thinking of making a few for Brandon's mints as they seem to like wet feet.  Aside from that everything needs a good fertilise and prune and the lawn needs weeding... lol one day :-)

Happy Gardening! *hugs* Sarah

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