Thursday 17 July 2014

Preparation and maintenance!

Wow we have had the busiest day in our garden!  Mr T drilled old preserve lids and sawed some garden stakes for me and Mr B and I turned them into new plant labels!  We need to eat some more preserves to get some more lids now hehe... what a shame!

Well we have been busy getting the back garden back in order.. we are slowly getting there!

This is the mess I started with, grass in the garden beds, weeds everywhere, overgrown bushes... Everything grew wild while we were on holidays!  Below... much better!  Ok yes the first photo is better and we are working on the next ones!  Mr B and I put in two "garden beds" today.. tomorrow hopefully we will get time to plant some seeds in there!

Our Raspberries, Loganberries and blackberries are now labels thanks to the boys efforts!  The new dwarf pomegranate is currently under the kitchen window and Brandon's Dragon Fruit is now in a pot (with a layer of expanded clay then pearlite then potting mix) next to our heat sink - next doors garage wall.  It also got its own label.  It also looks like we get strawberries within a few days :-D  No one tell them its winter! 

Our fig cutting got potted up today and got labelled along with the Gold Cameron Apple (Pepino), Native Finger Lime and Mango!  I took our pineapple out of the pot today and popped it in ground in a higher light area... I am hoping it cheers it up a bit!

 B's Mint Collection got labelled, we have Chocolate Mint, Basil Mint and Common mint.  I also fertilised it with the Maxicrop (chook poo pellets) and gave it a sprinkle of Multicrops Snail Pellets that turn into Iron rather than anything nasty and also wont harm the dogs if they find any.

 Which is probably a good thing since my darling shadow is 2 steps behind me at all times hehe.  I would give you a picture of Balla but she was wagging so hard the whole image was blurry!  I did try 3 times lol.  B and I filled some seedling trays for seed sowing tomorrow or Saturday.

 We allowed some lettuces to goto seed in the hanging baskets and with all the rain woo hooo we have many, many babies!  We are going to need to pot these up or I may let them get a little bigger and pop them into a garden bed.

You will please forgive the fuzziness of some of these images, the light was fading and I had to use the software to lighten things up.  Also today we Multicropped (chook poo pellets) the whole of the back garden beds and tree pots.  Dug out two escapee Blackberries and popped them into a pot.  Potato E'd all the potatoes.  Use Multicrops Long Lasting Pyrethrum spray on some of the potato leaves, sweet potatoes, broad beans, lemon tree and passionfruit plants as our garden had a huge sudden onslaught of green caterpillars, black hairy caterpillars *and* black aphids being farmed by ants!  I at one point checked a potato plant and noticed damage, by the time I came back the 4 leaves it had had turned to two!  Squashed a green caterpillar and sprayed... hopefully it will recover.  Anyway its been a busy day ... thanks for stopping by!


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