Sunday 27 July 2014

A wonderful weekend!

Tom kept his hands busy with saws, hammers, screws and the like and made me a box to store and organise my seeds!  Thanks Tom... I love it!  It currently has my seeds in which I now need to organise.  I was working out of a small esky which is fine until you need something lol.

Tom also planted our Dwarf Imperial Mandarine Tree out the front.... No photos since I wasn't quick enough to keep up!  So we now have a Dwarf Lemon, Sublime and Mandy in our citrus range!

Sadly one of our big bags of potatoes got decimated by caterpillars and the plants didn't make it :-(  So Brandon went ahead and harvested the potatoes... there weren't many but that was not surprising since they finished early.  Meanwhile I got on with topping up the new seed beds.  There was a lot of excitement when wriggly friends were found!  When we moved in we had straight sand (still do if you dig far enough) and NO worms!

Now our Raspberries have finally figured out it's winter and given us some beautiful red and orange foliage... Our strawberries are *still* confused!  We have a few red leaves but other than that they are still flowering profusely and producing lots of luscious fruit!

 On the subject of confusion... Our Purple beans are still growing and flowering?!?!  So along with peas I am sticking in more bean seeds!  The Sublime that looked so ill last winter is looking better (middle right of above picture) so let us hope for fruit this year!

So today, Sunday, we headed to Jetto's Patch!  Now the boys were none to sure about going but by the time we finished... well lets say they haven't stopped talking about it all afternoon.  We had a great tour of the garden by Dario and got to have a chat with Michele.  It was wonderful to see the variety for food that will grow here (despite people saying they wont!) and I believe it was an eye opener for the boys on the possibilities they could have at their doorstep!
(Photo care of Dario)

 The boys enjoyed the food forest especially the Starfruit, Tangelos and especially Cane Sugar!  So now our garden plan needs modifying to add these!  I planted out two cuttings of Cane Sugar just after we got back in front of the fence where it will get sun all day so cross your fingers that they decide to grow.

 Tom didn't know what to eat first!  The Tangelo's are already all gone!  Oh and Tom... Don't look behind you!  You have been busted!  Hehe  


Thanks so much to Michele and Dario for their time and sharing of knowledge and "tastes"!

This afternoon (or what was left of it) we headed back into the garden.  We potted up 4 baby curry leaf trees, a random tomato and planted lots of seeds that were way out of date, just incase.  (We had them then found out we had to move)  If they all come up we are in deep trouble.  Yellow Leaf Lettuce, Pak choy, Tatsoi, Mizuna, Red Mustard, Red Amaranth, stringless celery all went in.

Tomorrow while the boys are at school I will hopefully get time to put beetroots, carrots, black sapote and more rainbow chard in.

Now the funniest thing to happen today... I ate watercress... because I skipped lunch then went back to fill a pot with the potting mix at which point Rex.. all 40kg decided to try and find the "smell"... Yes ok that ended up with me in fits of laughter on the floor.  So I take Rex up to the hydroponics and give him some watercress... now he HATES greens... he will pick the peas out of his cooked dog food!  So he grabbed it and chewed it up and disappeared... came back for more... so I followed him he ripped all the leaves off and tried to kill it lol... glad he didn't do that to my head :-D

Happy Gardening *hugs*

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