Wednesday 16 July 2014

Better than asking for Toys!

Well my youngest Garden Gnome and I had a busy day shopping for a variety of things.  First stop was Bunnings as we ran out of our Hydroponics Grow Solution since we cleaned out our system yesterday... a very soggy, messy business involving washing out scourers and sponges (or filter system), scrubbing out the reservoir and hosing out the grow beds as per "Uncle Shane's" instructions! :-)  (Oh I digressed sorry!)

So of course I knew we wouldn't get out of Bunnings with just that... well I was reminded that we have two garden bed bags that need filling, so two 90L coir Garden Soil Bricks went in the trolley and then we looked for broad beans and peas... NONE in sight! :-(  There was however a great many other seeds!  Beetroot, Turnips, rainbow chard (which we never have enough off... who needs to say "eat your greens" when they are so pretty?), rocket and coriander.  At which point we had a discussion about our rocket having gone to seed and going bitter.... so since we like rocket on our burgers and Chris loves it in his salads we decided to head to the seedlings.  We got out with just two punnets which I am pretty happy about!  Rocket and I believe dwarf Cauliflowers... It is funny what kids like to grow!  (Might have something to do with cauliflower cheese me thinks!)  It was interesting to note the funny looks we were getting from adults as my Junior Gardener took charge and told me about each plant, checked out the different mints and compared their smells and textures... I think perhaps more kids should get out and do things in real life! :-p

Anyways we headed to shops next and somehow ended up in the garden section of Kmart lol (HOW did that happen? hmmmm).  Well ok we went in there to get two cheap pots as my blackberries have sent down two suckers again so we need to dig them up and contain them once again lol.  While we were getting our pots carrot seeds, baby beet seeds, leeks and sweet peas jumped into our trolley (with just a little help).

We go through a lot of everything we got seeds for so I am quite happy with todays choices but we are still in need of peas and broad beans... I have a feeling we might have a few pea seeds in our seed bank which I will locate tomorrow.  We also got another kids kit of stevia "lolly plant".  We have tried these twice so I am hoping third time a charm!

So tomorrow Mr B will be helping me hydrate the two coir blocks and make the new vege beds.  Transplant the new Dragon Fruit cutting we got from another gardener on the weekend and plant the new seedlings.

I am giving Mr T a few different tasks as he isn't so into the whole digging dirt and planting.  He is a power tools kinda guy ;-)  So my old preserving jar lids and some hard wood stakes are going to be (hopefully) joined to make plant markers.  He also gets to cut us some collars for the new seedlings to hold back the mulch!  The lawn edges also might need whipper-snipping!

If I get a spare hour I will move some more mulch into the back and one day start building the new aquaponic pond frame.  I can dream can't I?

On the weekend as I mentioned above we visited another gardener to pick up a Dwarf Pomegranate plant... It was lovely to see some elses edible garden odyssey!  We came away with a cutting of Dragon Fruit, a mango seedling, a vietnamese mint cutting, a fig cutting and a hopefully dormant rosella bush.  It seems the gardening community is full of lovely and generous people.  It is wonderful for my boys to be involved in this community... we regularly give away lemongrass, chocolate mint cuttings, mint cuttings, basil mint and sweet potato cuttings... so it is good to know it goes both ways!

Anyway... that is enough of me waffling on... time to go clean up the kitchen!

*hugs* Happy Gardening,

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