Wednesday 25 June 2014

A strawberry flower!

Monday morning I headed outside to cut my salad and had a lovely surprise!  Lots more buds too.. lets hope this translates into juicy and tasty strawberries!  The truth will be in the tasting... if the flavour isn't there they will move to the garden bed.
Now onto my salad.... I am faced with an monumental task to keep up with growth! The Kale is slow and steady (nice photo bomb Balla!) The rainbow chard is happy with current conditions along with the rocket!  

 Rhubarb is suffering with the cold I think.... have several dead leaves but also lots of bigger leaves so I am keeping my fingers crossed! X

The herbs are growing well, all have been harvested several times... the basil is still a little jaundice... I have added some iron but I am thinking it might just be the cold weather.

The watercress.... well what a superstar... no matter how much I pick and eat it bushes out 10 times more!  Nice and peppery.  Left is at planting in May... Right... well thats what I am faced with lol YUM!

 Lunch... I don't mind if I do!  Spinach, Rainbow Chard, Kale, Rocket, Watercress, Chives and Parsley.

 Dinner... yes if I must... Parsley, Rainbow Chard, Kale, Rocket, Watercress, Oregano, Chives, Thyme and Spinach.  Life's tough! lol

Happy Gardening *hugs*

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