Wednesday 11 June 2014

Don't Blink!

Noooo not them... the plants grew! I have been harvesting almost every day yet I walked out this morning and the plants grew *again* :-D .

 Ok so the Strawberries (top left) and Rhubarb (top right) planted May 14th, 2014 (photo on left) .... well I climbed up on the chair (and the dogs did not knock me off - impressive!)... and hand a good look today.. they are HAPPY up there.. check out the growth! Strawberry on the right... lots of leaf growth... I hope that translates to lots of fruit!
Rhubarb:  The roots have well and truly come out into the nutrient flow now!  It might be a while before our first harvest but there is heaps of new growth.  They are right up in the top pipe so no one adds them to the salad.

The day the watercress was planted 26th May 2014 (left)... and today 11th June 2014 (right)!  I think it is happy.

 These were on the day of re-stocking of the pipes - May 14th 2014... I had forgotten how little they were when they went in!

Today... well considering they have been harvested a fair bit in the last week... they grew a lot!  Chives in blue (left pic), Kale in red cups (left pic);  Rainbow Chard... well they are my super stars... its about a foot between the pipes btw.  They are supposed to be baby leaves for my salad... at this rate we will have some steamed with Sunday roast lol.

Red and Yellow Rainbow Chard... I decided not to split them at the time of planting to reduce stress on their part.  The Chives are getting there slow and steady, quite a few tips have made it into my salads.  The parsley is extremely slow but it's parsley and we all know no one can hurry parsley!

The basil is patchy, I am wondering if it's in need of some iron.  Plenty of leaves and the green at this stage is out performing the red.  The thyme is growing slowly... I have still wondering if it will be better off in the garden?
The oregano is going great guns!  I have harvested from these 3 times this week already! 

The (L > R) Raspberries, Loganberry and Blackberries are putting on some Autumn colours... I really hope we get some berries this spring!  They are on the shady side of the fence so hoping they get enough sun.

Blueberries all have flowers (teeny tiny pink bits).  The one on the left is my surviving one from last year (after the builders stomped my garden!) and it has some grogeous Autumn foliage happening... while sending out new leaves on another branch? lol
The Passionfruit has *almost* reached the top!  One day the boys and Chris will get fruit... but in the mean time they will have to put up with Cape Gooseberries!

The Globe Artichokes are going great in the cold... some of the plants are nearly 2 feet across!  There are coriander seedlings popping up all over the front garden... Chicken Chaat and Dahl... yes please :-)

Ok that's my update for today... we are getting there... slowly but surely :-D

Happy Gardening,

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