Friday 16 May 2014

Always wear shoes while gardening!

Well my junior gardener learned a valuable lesson... thankfully without stitches.  Mr B decided to help me by trimming the Wedding Bushes with the new hedge shears... in bare feet!  He thought something crawled onto his hand, dropped the shears... "MUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!"  A quick trip to the Doctor and a day off school later I don't think he will be in a hurry to garden barefoot again.  Very glad it wasn't worse.

Today I got a wonderful surprise... a telephone call from a man with a truck full of wood chips / leaf litter!  The best part is it was FREE via !  When it was in the truck it did not look that much... but when he emptied it.... OH DEAR lol... I guess I know what I am doing for the next week! :-D  This could not come at a better time as with the rain coming while we were away... my garden has been invaded by grass again :-(  So dig out and mulch DEEEEEPLY.

 Did I mention there is a LOT of MULCH? lol
In the foreground you can spy some rosemary grown from cuttings from Aleisha's. Lemon Fingerbowl Pelargonium from Henriette and Sweet potato from Lizzie... so thank you all... I managed to not kill everything and your kindness has helped stop the invasion of sand :-)

 I have a mystery plant pop up in the front side bed... I am wondering if just maybe this is a jerusalem artichoke given to me by David which did not show itself at all.  So fingers crossed it was just biding its time.

Today I replaced the natives that did not survived with some more rosemary - we use a lot and its a great structure plant and some thyme seedlings I picked up from Bunnings.  I am finding we use so many herbs and with supermarkets charging more and more and giving less and less it makes sense to grow our own.

  As you know while we were away Perth got rain and cooled down.  Apparently my Glove Artichokes appreciated this tremendously... they grew more in 3 weeks than they had in a year.  By the way I love the new solar lights Chris brought and the boys installed through the front garden :-)  As you can see the grass ignored and grew around the grass barrier... so I spent 3 hours digging our grass this evening.  I popped a thyme seedling in that bare patch - those pretty flowering natives die if the kids stand on them so I am thinking the thyme might be a little more hardy.  Tomorrow I will finish mulching this front bed and continue de-grassing and mulching.  I am finding lots of little onions I missed in the last harvest so I am picking them out and will replant them as onion slips in a single area that I can keep heavily fertilised.

Now as you can see Edward Scissorhand's got into this bed... well okay maybe it was me.  I dug out and pruned the deceased cordylines... the three older plants keeled over ... I replaced them with two more blueberries.  Hacked back the Giant Purple Liriopes as they were looking very tatty.  The lavenders got a haircut too to make them nice and bushy.  Tomorrow hopefully this will get mulched.  You can also make out some of my rhubarb that I thought I had lost over summer :-) The passionfruits are starting to grow enough to train over the archway  too :-)

My long garden has gone wild in the last month... it is amazing how fast the grass invades when there is not a weed barrier!  I forsee a lot of time on my knees digging grass roots out :-(  but look at my Globe Artichokes :-)  The Lilies are coming back after the fire damage as is the little clump of Asparagus (far right).  So hopefully this will all be mulched by the end of the weekend... well that might be wishful thinking but I will try :-)

Happy Gardening *hugs*

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