Saturday 2 August 2014

More planting!

Another busy afternoon planting seeds with the help of both T and B!  My Greenhouse frame was rebuilt to make me a "shed" which gives me a designated propagation and seed raising area.

Chinese Cabbage - Wombok.
Cucumber Armenian - only 6 since it might still be early.
Chilli - Razzamatazz.  These are the multicoloured chillis which we will use as ornamentals as well as productive plants.
Tomatoes - Pops Super Toms!  I found a whole sheet of Super Toms so they had to go in!
Mr Fothergills Tomatoes - Gourmet Mix.  We have renamed these Fairy Tomatoes since each seed was either yellow, green, blue or pink and sparkling lol.  These have Urbana, Burnley Sure Crop, Pineapple and Cherokee Purple.
Country Value Pepper - Hot Chilli Mixed... because Chris and Brandon need lots of chillies!
Capsicum Sweet allsorts.
Cucumber - Crystal Apple - planted only 14 of these since its still a little early.
Rosella - 8 of these and crossing my fingers X.
A whole tray of Garlic Chives thanks to Jen for these!

More Rocket was up this evening, along with some turnips and a lone cabbage!

T brought a plank of wood over the fence to make the new mint bed... I would love it if we can get started on this!  Once the frame is knocked together I will line it with weed mat, put two partitions in to make 3 sections.  One each for Chocolate Mint, Common Mint and Basil Mint.  I love that Mr T who has only just hit his teens is so handy on the tools!

Anyways that's it from me *hugs* Sarah

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