Thursday 1 August 2013

Day 83! A showery Thursday!

G'day one and all... I apologise for my long absence!  My Mum came to visit so we had lots and lots of family time... and lots and lots of rain so my walk around my garden this morning was really marvelous!

Chris claimed our Flybuys recently and treated me with a $100 bunnings voucher so that is where we went this morning!  I had hoped for a second greenhouse; Alas I was too slow, all the $50 ones are gone so instead I got... a Finger Lime, a pot of Green Globe Artichokes, a pot of Red Globe Artichokes, a pot of Green Asparagus and a pot of Red Asparagus and my favourite... two pots of Blue berry bushes!

Oh and yes my plants are in the Esky... we have found it's the best way for them to travel.  Brandon has come home and told me that I should have got apples, oranges and Gem berries???  LoL spoiled slightly... I wonder what Gem Berries are though... hmmmm.

I was quite surprised that spring has sprung!  During winter I got some Blackberries from David and my boys kept asking why I was watering sticks... well this is why!  We have life and growth from our blackberry :-)  That is a beautiful beginning.  The raspberries are looking a little healthier too... there is even a new leaf or two!

What I didn't get to show you, before Mum got here I made an effort outside of her bedroom window (our office)... so anytime the blinds are open we get to see...

Hanging on the fence outside the window I am making use of the vertical space again.   Strawberries and Thyme were planted, including our original strawberry seeds.

 Our marigold and lettuce pots are looking lovely down the back fence.  Miss Balla Balla is looking rather guilty... this would be due to being caught red mouthed!  LITERALLY!  We had been thinking our strawberries had been going to the birds... until a rather red mouthed girl was caught carefully eating the strawberries right off the plants! hehe

Our Balla had been munching on a celery stalk leaving it extremely ratty so I was amazed that amongst our rosemary it had started sending out new life! :-)

 Our Royal Blue potato bags are still poles apart!  One cannot be contained and one still barely has any leaves!  I am wondering with all the leaves if we will actually get any potatoes though hehe Same with the ones out the front!  Today I topped up the potato bag to the top.

Our now giant radishes have some unfriendly visitors!  Great big hairy caterpillars!  I must admit I am thankful... the radishes have taken the brunt of the crickets and the caterpillars and have let us get on top of the problem without losing other plants!  We will keep on squashing bugs and hope for radish seeds later in the season.  I did giggle this afternoon... I sent Brandon to search since I knew by the evidence that there was a big something eating the radishes under the sublime... judging by the report we had the biggest, giantest, hairiest caterpillar you have ever seen under there and he needed an axe to kill it... he was informed to just go squash it with the trowel hehe.
 Now speaking of Brandon our green gifted garden gnome... you might recall he planted bean seeds at the beginning of WINTER and would not take no for an answer... the jammy dodger has done it!  Lazy house wife beans are not only in flower... but have BEANS on them!  I am thinking we might pick one or two and have a taste raw but save the rest of seeds since to get them we will have to do a diggers order.  Not far away the 3 colour beans are also flowering... pink and yellow :-)
 Right along side the beans are the fresh peas... they are not going to last ;-)  There is nothing quite like peas fresh out of the garden.

 The basil is looking a little happier and is also forcing out some more leaves :-)  The pink flowering strawberries are smiling in their hanging basket... I do love spring... even if it is early :-)

"Brandon's" hanging garden has lapped up the rain!  The basil mint is reaching skyward along with the peppermint... the choc mint has filled the pot!  The coriander, parsley and other baskets are looking just as healthy!

The cherry tree has been straightened and is now ready to settle into our food garden. Now I just need to get all those other plants dug in... I foresee Tom joining us in the garden ;-) Speedy Gonzales when it comes to hold digging in our sandy soils!

 Ok a LONG time back... well at least a month... (that is forever in our household hehe) I got some Kipfler potatoes from Coles... I had all but given up on them as there had been no shoots, not signs of life... well today as I moved the pot out of the way... TA DA... we have life... so we will wait and see... like everything else hehe.

Now anyone who knows me knows my feelings about Passionfruit! *shudder* I have bowed to peer pressure... today for Chris, Tom and Brandon who all love this foul and disgusting fruit I have planted both a red and a yellow variety from Mandy.  We have erected an archway and tomorrow if I get time I will put together a second one to provide ample growing room.

Now I know where my verge ends and our land begins our front is changing... Some of the ornamentals are coming out and things like blueberries are going in!  I am feeling excited about the possibilities.


Speaking of the front garden... I spent the afternoon putting more coir and potting mix around the Delawares which again have shot up and have so many, many leaves!  I do hope this does not mean that we are going to be lacking potatoes!
If I wasn't outside tending the garden so much I doubt the neighbours would guess what was hidden in here!  Delaware potatoes, Sage, Broad beans (which are flowering), onions and garlic are all hiding in there!


Ok that is it from me today suffice to say thanks for reading... *hugs* Sarah

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