Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 103... a noisy Tuesday.

Well this morning began with a knock at the door and a workman informing me they are digging up my reticulation and lawn to attach over the roads sewerage... so much for my peaceful day in the garden lol.

Brandon (yesterday) decided to quality a carrot... I do not think too many are going to make it to maturity hehe.

My morning was spent sowing the beginnings of my spring seeds until the cutter started on the road outside... then even I accepted I was beat!  Inside until it stopped *but* I did get heaps of seeds in before and got them in the greenhouse.

Tomato, Yellow Cherry - from Henriette.
Rhubarb Victoria - Yates.
Chilli, Habanero Mustard - Digger's. OOD
Capsicum Seven Colour Mix - Digger's. OOD
Basil, Gourmet Mixed - Country Value. A mix of Sweet, Lemon, Thai and Purple.
Pepper (HOT) Caribbean Blend - Johnsons.
Capsicum Seven Colour Mix - Mr. Fothergill's Heirloom Garden. Sweet Chocolate, Purple Beauty, White Diamond, Yellow Marconi, Chinese Giant, Cunabella (red) and Orange Bell.
Tomato, Tiny Tom - Mr. Fothergill's.  Small 40cm plants, good for pots.
Tomato Heirloom Favourites - Yates.  
Strawberry Temptation - Digger's. OOD
Eggplant Heirloom Mixed - Digger's. OOD
Burke's Backyard Thai Chilli - Yates. OOD

As you can see my Out Of Date OOD seeds are all getting sown... if they germinate... awesome... if not... I tried ;-)

I have heaps more I want to sow, hopefully in the next few days before the next rain hits!  There are plenty of bean, zucchini, squash, melons and other direct sow seeds that need to go in out the front but with all the work men digging up the front yard I might need to stick to seed trays tomorrow lol.

The theme of this afternoon was... FRUITY!

 The Strawberries all seem to have survived winter... in fact some seem to have missed the fact we had Winter!  We still have fruit - just don't tell the kids... I found the sweetest, juiciest strawberry in the baskets on the fence today.  Balla Balla cannot reach the pots on the fence so we might have a hope of some reaching the house!
 The Finger Lime is potted up, now just to find it a happy place in the garden.

Did I mention spring has sprung?  The Raspberries are exploding with green leaves (Left) and the Cherry is shooting into life! (Middle and Right)  It is all very exciting.  The blackberries (not pictured are also pushing forth lots of leaves... I hope we don't have to wait more than a year to get some berries!

Brandon's Hanging Gardens are full of coriander, parsley, mints of all types and strawberries.  In front in the plastic box are carrots and possibly some parsnips that all seem to really like their new home after being transplanted due to over crowding.
The Basil has suddenly decided it is growing... thank goodness since Woolies and Coles keep charging us MORE for LESS. (Left)
The lime is still very yellow but covered in flowers.  I have buried a couple of rusty nails at its base... although I do not think it is the soil since the lush green radishes at the base are thriving.

I must admit I am thankful the builders had gone home (since they are working on the roof across the road so they can see in the back garden as I am pretty sure I did a Happy Dance in the garden :-p  I have 4... yes FOUR baby Curry Leaf Tree's :-) I have tried to many times to grow them and had no success... it was only on talking to my fabulous Father-In-Law (and garden Guru) to be told I was doing it wrong.. you do not plant the seeds, they need to be exposed... so that was that... Thank you Philip :-)

 Beans... yes... BEANS... these ones are not only flowering but in production... and purple ;-)  Shhh don't tell Brandon but I tried one... they are lovely and sweet too :-)

Peas... more peas... and more peas... Not too many are making it to the stage of cooking but that is a good thing!  We are all guilty... and have even found out that Balla Balla will join in too if you pass them to her hehe.  Sweet delicious goodness.  As you can see we have carrots, beetroots, rainbow chard, sugarloaf cabbage all thriving in our little patch!  (excuse the mess I was in the middle of picking up and got distracted lol)
  The Thyme we planted is almost ready for a transplant.
  The Sugarloaf Cabbages are still being attacked by Green Cabbage Loopers... who get fed to the bird but even he is getting sick of them!  The onions planted in between do not seem to deter them at all!

The Silverbeet and Rainbow Chard is looking healthy and COLOURFUL :-)  (Left)
 I spied a Yellow Beetroot in Tom's bed today... small but healthy! (Right)
The Lazy Housewife Beans that the boys planted during Autumn (because they couldn't wait) didn't die... in fact against that wall they thrived so it is extremely hard not to pick them so we can get the seeds to replant.  As you can see (bottom right) some of the beans are quite HUGE!

You remember the Royal Blue Potatoes in the "potato bag" from Bunnings?  Well I think it might be a happy!  Let's hope it makes some tubers!

Ok that is it from me tonight *hugs*

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