Thursday 18 September 2014

The Paving is done!

So two days ago my back yard looked like this:
Messy and muddy!  The grass didn't grow when it was cold. The grass didn't grow when it was hot.  The grass didn't like Rex running around on it... so the majority of the grass had to go!

Today it looks like this:
 This corner is going to have segregated beds lined with weed mat then have soil back in and have Brandon's mint, basil mint and chocolate mint in.  The grass has been repatched and will get some pampering to get it back to looking good (the grass here was growing well until someone got carried away removing it lol)... I LOVE the garden edging!!!  Once the cement is all the way dry I can mulch right up to the edge and it will stay put woo hoo!
So all in all I am a happy camper!

 I am working on the front again... taking out a little more grass; I am going to add some clay, manure, blood and bone then some mulch and populate the bed with some of our seedlings and maybe the pepino.
 The Tangelo at the back of the bed has a multitude of new leaves and flowers so I am excited as we thought it was a gone-a after losing all but one leaf!

That's it from me tonight, I am aching after moving hundreds of pavers (for the new garden beds! ohhhh)

Happy Gardening *hugs*

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