Monday 8 July 2013

Day 59... Monday...

Firstly, sorry it has taken so long to post... we had a garden party with one of the Facebook groups which we are on... We met some lovely people and I learned a lot.  So a quick update for everyone... Our worms are doing rather well... we found a few "white skinny ones" which apparently is a sign of acidity so the dogs got eggs and the egg shells went to the worms.

The Hanging Gardens of Brandon are looking rather well! Above right you can see the chocolate mint, we still aren't supposed to take the leaves off!  You have to be very brave to try too lol.
The Peppermint from Julie (Left) is going great guns and is already trying to escape its pot... The lettuces (Right) are looking healthy and so far the crickets have not found them up there!
The coriander, nasturtiums, parsley and strawberries are all coming along well along with the Basil Mint from Tinker Bel (Right pic, closest pot).

The Lazy housewife beans are... FLOWERING!!!  Even though we have the coldest weather the wall they are growing against seems to be keeping them alive :-)  So glad for Brandon.  Brandon discovered ant's on his beans so got to work wiping off the aphids they were farming... they had been very industrious!                        Brandon's Carrots and Radishes are still going great guns... so much so we are still pulling out the long radishes... we are leaving the easter egg ones to goto seed... and anyone who pulls them gets a good telling off... and NOT from me! hehe

 Todays Harvest.

 Last week while we were helping Tom with his project I left Brandon with 5 empty hanging baskets and one filled as an example... by the time I got back the other 5 were exact copies!  I think he did a great job :-)  I bumped into the neighbour today and she is quite happy to have some hooks over the top of the fence so we can expand a little more... the lettuces seem to be quite enjoying the morning shade and afternoon sun.

Yesterday we went to bunnings (again) in search of a round garbage bin to use as a grey water catcher... then we had a rethink... $25+ for a garbage bin we got two green plastic giant buckets... So today the boys got busy snaking the hose through the floor drain... Then I suggested to Thomas that it might be nice to have it all neat and tidy going into the two tubs.The lightbulb went on over his head and he disappeared into the garage... next thing there is a T-piece from the reticulation box on the hose... then two L's .... I think he did an awesome job... definitely got his engineering skills from Grandpop! I can see why it is called grey water!

The planter on the side of the kennel with the Nasturtiums we added some lettuces to... lettuces seem to be popping in everywhere !  The horseradish now has 4 leaves... but who is counting?

One of the "potato bags" which we planted Royal Blue Potatoes in has grown (the other one is barely growing at all) so it was time to "hill up".  Brandon and Balla began.... then Balla helped a little too much so Brandy went to play lol... I finished it.. now there were two small shoots that we didn't want to cover so I cut the bottom out of a couple of plastic cups.  Then up to the top with coir then a little Potato E.  Lets hope for potatoes :-)

 When we went and picked up the Raspberries from David he gave us some KangKung which is an asian green.  I sat it in honey water for a the week and it sent out roots so today it went in the ground :-)  Fingers crossed I do not kill it!

Speaking of killing things... we are not getting many strawberries due to big holes in them.... so I have resorted to passive warfare.. Gaffa-tape / Duct-tape sticky side up... On the strawberry planter I put some bait of holey-strawberries (might as well put them to use).  On the hydroponic lettuce box we already caught 1 medium and 3 little ones... thats a start!

The Lemongrass planted infront of the Verburnum is coming back nicely and the SubLime is slowly getting some green back in the leaves... maybe there is hope! :-)  I thought for sure the move from Hedland and the cold had killed it.

The last two days I have worked hard out the front on two projects... hilling up the Delawares which are going great guns.... and trying to rebuild the side garden closest to the bush.  The side garden we finally caught the culprit who was riding bikes over it (not one of mine!) and re-educated him that the garden is not a race track ... Chris strung two fluro builders twine lengths across the gap as a reminder.  All the edging we put in was ripped out.

 After putting the border back in (and giving us a little more room since the car parking gets closer by the day on the sand lol) I planted some of the Fingerbowl Lemon Pelagoniums, a Native Lavender (both from Henriette... so thank you!) and some of the Rosemary that I struck from cuttings (from Aliesha - thanks too!)...  then I grabbed some of the excess bark mulch from around the place (some is so thick the ground underneath is always dry!)  Now the bed looks like it has always been there!
Ok that's it from me tonight... have a great day *hugs* Sarah 

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