Monday 6 October 2014

A busy day of disaster!

Well no photo's again today... I got up to my potato bed being dug our along with my tatsoi and bok choy :-( .  Naughty dogs!  So Brandy harvested half a bucket of small Ruby Lou potatoes. I think they may become next years seed potatoes.

I found my hydroponics run dry again so cleared out some roots, filled it up and removed the thyme and planted it into the garden... which revealed another problem... SLUGS!  Ugh! I guess that explains a bit!  I guess I should not have been surprised though... I found them in the worm farm which I take the water from to fill the hydroponics (so technically vermiponics at time.) So for now I have just put multiguard (iron based) slug pellets around where I planted the thyme.  Right next to the Cherry tree that finally has a set of leaves woo hooo!!!  As does the ginger right next door. :-)  I love spring.  It is just so exciting.

So now I have emptied the bottom two pipes and I am going to replace the little pond with a 220L barrel and probably pull around some of the shelves and set up some more grow beds and maybe add some fish.

I then used the excess coir / potting mix from the destroyed vege beds and filled the wicking pot for the grapevine.  It got popped in with lots of organic fertilisers.  I hope it does well and that is one more job off my list!  Grapes here we come :-D

I checked on our newly moved curry leaf tree and she has sent out new leaves so hopefully that is a good sign! :-)  I really hope she thrives in her permanent home.

There's currently a constant flow of strawberries, cape gooseberries and herbs into the house.  The boys seem to have overdosed on cape gooseberries so I am either going to try drying or jamming them.

I gave my new worm farm some residents today... I hope they like it!  There are so many worms in the original worm farm that we definitely needed an expansion.  So twice the home hopefully twice the production ;-)

Happy Gardening *hugs*

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