Thursday 21 November 2013

Busy, busy, busy!

Things have been soooo busy here I have barely had time to take pictures let alone post!  So a quick catch up... We have been building a hydroponics system.. the plan is to have it as an aquaponics system however we will be not adding fish until next year some time so for now... hydro/vermi-ponics r us.

It was a team effort on the drilling of the NFT pipes... - 90mm storm pipes drilled with a holesaw the same size as the cup that will sit in it.  I was careful to measure everything out and have a line on the top of the pipe so everything lined up.
The pipes are attached to shelf ends so there is NO weight on the fence.  The turns are made using a 90 degree, pipe - started at 10cm has since been cut down to 5cm. 15 degree , 5cm pipe, 90 degrees... the reason for the 15 degrees is to give the pipes a downward slope...

 These brackets are how we affixed the pipes to the shelf ends.... Nice and secure!

On the left is on completion - still need to glue joints but they are holding together nicely!  On the right, first plants are in.

As you can see my "pond" is the dogs water bowl that they do not like... they prefer the muddy wagon that has my plants sitting in water... and the plant saucers... in fact anything that is not their water bowl... so I have taken the bowl and given them one of the "party buckets"... they will drink out of that because it's for humans hehe.  Anyways at the moment we are only pumping 4 levels of 6 until I can afford a bigger pump or can set up a second level reservoir.  My 2 meter head bilge pump comes up about 30cm short lol.Not a great shot but our Native Violets are flowering... pretty and tasty!  Thanks Henriette... they are spreading too ;-) On the right you can see my radishes.... Easter Eggs and long reds... have flowered (tasty flowers too!) and gone to seed!  Woo Hoo... this was actually our intention as we were out of seeds and I cannot see me doing another order for a while... so lets see what we get out of these :-).

Today I also managed to make a fence for my berries... raspberries, loganberry and blackberries... as they keep escaping and catching people unawares... We have fruit on two of the Raspberries - only about 6 but it is our first year!  This way I can train them along the fence line and stop them from spreading (hopefully)... On the subject of berries, we are still harvesting strawberries - got to be quick though... everyone loves them... I think we will end up with some in the hydroponics.  We got about 8 blueberries, about two each lol.  The cape gooseberry is going well... in fact there are about 5 readying to go there... assuming someone hasn't got there already lol.

We have a heap of Lazy Housewife beans just popped up, cherry tomatoes just starting to fruit... Still got carrots coming out as "snacks and lots to little onions...  yes I need to get outside and take photos... maybe tomorrow... happy gardening *hugs* Sarah

Sunday 3 November 2013

November 3rd, 2013

Today has been BUSY!  Aside from planning... we have been to bunnings and begun our big project for the month... Aquaponics... now when we lived in Northampton I grew lettuces and other greens hydroponically.  Since moving to Perth we have been battling the dry sandy water repellant soils which are not lettuce friendly so I was keen to get hydroponics going again.. but the boys are on at me that they want FISH... so why not ;-)  So really quick sketch (no ruler, late at night and no artistic bone in my body lol)...  Thats the general idea... then talk to the better half who has an engineering, technical mind... and it was a plan!

Brandon measured, marked and cut 10cm (ish) lengths for the ends.  There see you do need to do maths at school ;-p
While we were at Bunnings Chris found me some metal supports that will hold up nicely by the looks then was kind enough to attach them to the limestone wall with the help of Mr Tom!  Note the bandaged finger (saw) and grazed arm (scooter)... be afraid.... be very afraid hehe.
On the left are the end pieces made from 90 degree elbow, 10cm 90mm pipe, 15 degree elbow, 10 cm 90mm pipe, 90 degree elbow.  Above is one of the drilled pipes with holes cut to the size of the cups I will used to hold the vermiculite.
Left... The "beginning" that will be top left.  The small hole is 19mm for the hose from the bilge pump.  End cap on so we wont lose water.. just need to "glue" it on so we don't lose any water.
Right... one of the drilled "middle" lengths.  The "missing" hole is due to the support being right there... if it looks like there is room I will drill another hole after.

 It looks like it will work! As you can see the 15 degree elbow puts a downward slant on the pipes... just what you want for return flow.  It will sit nicely on the supports Chris put in for me and the top should get enough sun for strawberries!

Tom wasn't too keen on helping clean up until blower vac was mentioned hehe... then we all had to get out the way! :-p  Love my family and the way we are building our home and garden together. x

Tomorrow will be brought to you by more hole drilling!  Just a note for anyone considering doing anything similar... 90mm pipe comes in varying lengths... it is cheaper ($/metre) at bunnings to buy 6 meter lengths and cut it down before loading it into the car ;-)

Happy Gardening!
Sarah x


Circumstances prevented me posting last month but thought I would do an update of what i did managed to get in the garden.... and that amounts to about 3kg of Broad Beans!  :-)

The scissors are in for perspective... we had a few broad beans to start.. and even before they got weighed the weight went DOWN... hmmm who goes there?
 Brandon ;-)  My junior gardener loves his veges!

   Another day another harvest... just a few more broad beans... 1.3kg peeled weight, not counting the dozens stolen by the boys AND Chris before they got to the weigh in! 

 My Junior Chef scrubbing the delaware potatoes and rainbow carrots from the garden :-)  Funny how the kids want to do chores when they grow the veges lol
So dinner ... veges well and truely covered... Delawares as scrubbed by Tom, Rainbow baby carrots as scrubbed by Tom and PEAS!!!  Yes we were still cropping peas in October!

 A few more Broad Beans... at this stage I had to pull almost all my broad beans out, we had hot weather and strong winds... and I suspect a "helper" as half of the stalks were not attached at the base when I went to pick!!  Because we had a vast difference in sizes the boys and I sorted them into small/medium and medium/large to help cook them just right!
Chris cooked some and dressed them with garlic, olive oil and balsamic vinegar... devine :-)

SO that was October... now to November... may it be filled with family and gardening! *hugs* Sarah