Monday 30 September 2013

A small harvest enjoyed by ALL!

The boys got out early and picked baby carrots, parsnips and beetroots.

So while they were soaking off the sand... Birdy decided he needed some greens... Beet Greens that is! hehe Cheeky Bird!

 The steamer all ready to go!

Happy Gardening *hugs* Sarah

Saturday 21 September 2013

Delaware Potatoes!

Well today we did the deed... we dug up the row of Delaware Potatoes.... and I was worried there were none?  hmmmm 10.3kg! 22.66lbs!  1.6stone.... so we did not do too bad :-)

September 8th I think? Maybe...

 Our Blueberry that survived the builders is coming along and I am hoping those blue bits hang on to become nice juicy berries!  The remaining Rhubarb is starting to hit its straps along with the onions in front.

 The potatoes are dying off... so fingers crossed there are potatoes under there.

Brandy planted out Lizzies Zucchinis... which have flowers on!

The broad beans are flower and bee-ing pollinated (sorry I HAD to hehe).  Finally we have some pods beginning to form too :-)  Shhhh don't tell Chris and the boys or there will be none left ;-)
 Our new little garden is going ok; the Lemon tree is throwing out new leaves and making itself at home.  All my tree's keep getting yellow leaves and yes they have been given a complete fertiliser... so I am at a loss.

 The onions are coming along nicely as are the Cape Gooseberries... They are being checked at least three times a day by the boys to make sure they are all still there and "Are they ready yet?"... hehe

Lastly... not the Vege Patch but my Bathroom... Cyclamen's that sit on my window sill... I had to share as they are so pretty ;-)

*hugs* Sarah

A mini Harvest !

 Wonky carrots!

 Someone Pea'd on the sink! :-p